Oral Language activities

In Week 6, we worked in small groups to play:

  • The feely bag game– Each child chose something from the feely bag that they had to describe to the group. They had to give 3 clues about their object. The group was encouraged to ask questions about the object to help them work out what it was.
  • The shopping game– Each person/pair was given a shopping list that they had to share/read to the others in their group. The children had to take turns to turn over a shopping item and could add it to their shopping trolley if it was on their list. It was great to hear the discussions throughout this game- lots of positive language was being used, each person was aware of what someone else had on their list and was helping them out when they found an item that wasn’t on their list and there was a lot referring back to shopping lists, double checking what was on it and talking about items they have in their own homes.


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